Drivers PW monthly gross wages for locals working full-time
(i.e. 35-44 hours per week)
General drivers
Operate vehicles requiring up to Class 3 driving licence.
E.g. motorcycle delivery drivers, van drivers.
≥ $1,750
Specialised drivers
Operate vehicles requiring Class 4 driving licence and above, and other specialised driver roles.
E.g. trailer-truck drivers, bus drivers, chauffeurs.
≥ $1,850


More information can be found here:

Better Work Prospects

The move towards Industry 4.0 is transforming the logistics and supply-chain sector significantly. While jobs and skills are likely to be disrupted, there are many opportunities leading to new business growth areas and new job roles.

With the view to ensure long-term competitiveness for the company and ensure employees are able to take on new or redesigned job roles, 12 unionised companies have signed a Company Training Committee (CTC) MOU with SCEU.

The intention of the CTC is to identify jobs that are likely to be disrupted within the Company due to industry transformation and put in place the necessary intervention programmes and training to assist employees in taking on new job roles.

The goals of the CTC include:

  • Forming a training committee with both union and company representatives
  • Assisting company to map out its long term strategic goals through an Operation-Technology roadmap
  • Ensuring that employees are equipped with the necessary skills for an increasingly digital workplace
  • Re-skilling and upskilling to meet the needs of Industry 4.0
  • Enhancing employability of employees.
  • Ensuring productivity gains are shared with employees through higher productivity

Redesigned jobs may take reference from the Logistics JTM: 

During Budget 2022, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong announced the government’s commitment for $100 million to be set aside for NTUC to scale up company training committees.

Companies which are interested to explore CTC can email us at

Better Welfare
SCEU currently sits in the Workgroup to review WSH Guidelines on Safe Loading on Vehicles.